Face Shields Tag

We’re here to help you and your business

At Hello Flamingo, we knew that while it was necessary to go into ‘hibernation’ regarding all our day to day operations, we also strongly felt that as we have the assembly facilities at our disposal, a crew of really eager and available volunteers and the space to work safely, we must step in to help plug the gap of vital PPE supplies, urgently required by many frontline NHS teams, up and down the UK.

Face Shield Visors for the NHS

We are very proud to say we are in the process of manufacturing and donating 1200 face shields to the NHS in Brighton and UK  hospitals.  This is being funded and made by us with the help of our wonderful freelancers working on assembly, volunteering for such a great cause.  We would like to say a special thanks to Stylo for the sharing the pattern and Finecut Groups for donating materials and cutting service for free. Read on to see how you can help us help the cause..